How can we help?

Complaints & Feedback

How do I make a complaint about a property I am due to stay in?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

If you have a complaint about the property you have booked but have not stayed at yet, please log in to your account to contact us and we will speak to the Owner to see if we can facilitate a resolution.

How do I make a complaint about a property I am currently staying in?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

If your complaint is about the property you are currently staying in, try to talk to the Owner (or the representative locally) as soon as possible so that they can try to resolve your problem during your holiday.

If you cannot get hold of them or are not happy with their response, please log in to your account and send us a message or call us as soon as possible to let us know, and we will contact the Owner to see if we can facilitate a resolution during your holiday.

In all instances, please provide full details of your complaint and keep any evidence (such as photos) of your complaint, in order for us to share this with the property owner.

If, unfortunately, you've not been able to satisfactorily resolve matters with an Owner, we can provide you with that Owner's details to take it from there (remember it's the Owner that the rental contract is with).

How do I contact you regarding a or VRBO booking?

If you have made a booking via or, you will need to contact them with any queries relating to your booking.

How can I get help during my stay?

If you require assistance during your stay at a property, please refer to your key collection details, where you will find the contact details for either the owner or the named contact who will be happy to help and resolve any issues and provide you with any additional information. So that you can enjoy your holiday, please do this as soon as possible. If you are unable get hold of this person, or require additional assistance please log in to your account to send us a message.

How to provide feedback on my holiday?

Customer feedback is so important to our business, including on our post-holiday questionnaire. All comments, including praise and constructive criticism are shown to the property owners and our customer relations team speaks with holidaymakers daily to find out how to improve their experience. To provide feedback on your most recent holiday please log in to your account and click the Give Feedback button to access our feedback form.

Please see our Customer Reviews Policy for further information i.e. the terms that apply for customer reviews and owner responses.

How do I make a complaint about a property I have stayed in?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

If your complaint is about a property you have stayed at, but despite trying, the complaint was not resolved during your holiday, please log in to your account and send us a message within 7 days of your stay. We will speak to the Owner to see if we can facilitate a resolution.

In all instances, please provide full details of your complaint and keep any evidence (such as photos) of your complaint, for us to share this with the Owner.

How do I make a complaint about UK Lodge Breaks?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

If your complaint is about the booking service offered by UK Lodge Breaks, please log in to your account and let us know about it.

How do I make a complaint about third party services?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

If you wish to complain about third party services (e.g. insurance), please follow the complaints procedure of the third party and contact us by logging in to your account to tell us.

Who is liable for resolving a complaint I make with you?

Please refer to the complaints procedure that is contained in the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when making your booking.

  1. If your complaint relates to a breach of the rental contract between you and an Owner, please note that the property owner is liable for resolving the issue, but UK Lodge Breaks can try and help bring you and the Owner closer today on it.
  2. If your complaint relates to a breach of the booking contract between you and UK Lodge Breaks, send it to us to consider.
  3. If your complaint relates to a breach of contract between you and a third party, go to the third party, and tell us about it if you would like to.

We hope this enables all parties to progress complaints, which no one wants to arise, effectively.